
God is love.

The world is changing and the ability to not only recognize but also appreciate our differences is becoming increasingly more important.  We simply are not all the same. We don't have the same values, morals, or beliefs but we are one and as Christians we must remember that God is love.  Every day presents a new opportunity to share the love of Christ and lead more people (regardless of their race, religious beliefs, or moral compass) to HIM through our words, actions, deeds, etc. We either do that well or we don't.

I few years ago, while on vacation in Morocco, I met one of the most endearing souls I've ever encountered. He was small in stature but big in heart.  He spoke several languages, wore a fez and djellaba, and followed the teachings of Islam.

I met him while visiting the 'blue city' and although I don't remember his name, I do remember how I felt while walking through the beautiful city with him.

Yes, our beliefs differed but that didn't keep him from holding the umbrella over my head as I walked through the rainy cobbled lanes of Chefchauoen, or from grabbing my hand as some of the locals followed us, "not to worry habibiti they want to know if you are Michelle Obama" he said, and it certainly didn't keep me from embracing him with gratitude as I left Chefchauoen and headed to Tetuan.

Many of the images on my website are from my personal collection of photos taken while visiting Chefchauoen, Morocco. It is a place I will never forget. It's where I was reminded time and time again that God is love and there is a certain level of love and respect we should have for other human beings because we are one.

"We may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin, but we all belong to one human race." #onelove



"We’re not called to a busyness that drains us"

"We're not called to a busyness that drains us; we're called to an abundance that trains us." - Susie Larson


I was chatting with one of my mentors yesterday about a potential opportunity for a group of students (I typically run my thoughts by her). I was looking for a few points of contact to get the ball rolling and knew she’d point me in the right direction. No surprise, she had great suggestions for who to contact, where to look, etc. and as we were wrapping up she said, “I look forward to seeing this come to fruition.”

My response? “Yikes! I’m just helping to make the connection, I can’t take on another project right now.”

Surprised? Don’t be. I learned very early on that taking on everything is absolutely NOT God’s will for my life. And it’s likely not HIS will for yours either.  It doesn't mean that I don't sometimes over-commit myself but it certainly happens a lot less.

Here's what I've learned - It’s okay to support from the sidelines, make connections as needed, and keep it moving.

Here are few questions to ask yourself before making a commitment:

1. Does this align with my goals and priorities? Ok, this doesn't have to mean life goals but ask yourself "does this align with the goals and priorities for this season of my life?"

2. Do you truly have the time to commit fully?

3. Saying yes to this means saying no to what?

The world can pull us in a million directions if we let it. Don't play tug of war, be selective.



...skip the highlight reels.

…skip the highlight reels.

Highlight reels? Yes, the ones on social media, highlighting the ups and downs of strangers, friends, and family (yes, them too). It’s okay to check-in, be inspired, catch up on the news, ‘tea’, etc. from time to time but there’s this habit of believing and drawing conclusions about people based on what is depicted on social media. I don’t post pictures of me napping so one might assume I’m out here being super woman and that is simply NOT the case. My nap game is strong. No pictures/videos of me dancing, but that doesn’t mean I don’t indulge. As my mentees would say “I got my whole life” last week at a local benefit concert for charity trying to keep up with the fearless leader of one of my favorite bands (NOTE TO SELF: You cannot keep up Sharnikya).

Nope, no tears posted on social media but that doesn’t mean I haven’t cried quite a few times this year (tears of joy and sorrow). I’ve given epic side-eyes this year (no photos please) and of the work being done in the community, less than half of it is posted by me or my #positivepeerpressurepeers on this journey with me.

Skip the highlight reels. Write your own inspirational quote. Scroll through your life - reflecting on God’s blessings and mercies.


So as this year comes to a close, spend some time with you. Skip the highlight reels. Write your own inspirational quote. Scroll through your life - reflecting on God’s blessings and mercies (they are new every morning), thanking HIM for the blessings you’ve prayed for and those He threw in because He’s G.

As you approach the new year...
